£20m UK site expansion reaches completion


With the final stage of the Deltagen UK site expansion now complete, we are delighted to share what these developments mean for our ATURA range of plant-based proteins, our customers and the strategic direction of our business.

So, what’s new?

Vertically integrated production

First and foremost, the scale and scope of our manufacturing capabilities have been significantly improved following investment in two key areas.

The volume and production capacity of our air classification milling process has been increased, which means we can now offer a wider range of nutritional content across our ATURA pulse flours and protein ingredients. This level of sophistication enables us to meet bespoke, often complex, customer requirements for specific applications.

We have also streamlined production of our protein isolates from pulse seeds and beans by bringing the entire process in-house. From wet extraction and separation, through to evaporation, concentration and spray drying, our state-of-the-art facility now handles every step to ensure complete reliability and efficiency.

At the same time, we have strengthened the Deltagen UK team – both in terms of numbers and expertise – to ensure our customers not only benefit from exceptional levels of service, but also specialist technical support focused on accelerating their product innovation, development and solutions.

“Establishing our own-in-house capabilities means we can now offer tailored customer formulations right across our range of pulse flours and protein derivatives. In addition, we’re able to set content for material compositions and specifications, as and when required by our customers.

“Crucially, it also addresses wider commercial challenges by reducing our reliance on external production partners, improving supply chain resilience, reducing lead times and – perhaps most importantly – building our knowledge of the wide-ranging functional and nutritional properties of our ATURA plant-based ingredients in different applications,” explains David O’Leary, managing director at Deltagen UK.

Focus on sustainability

We are equally proud of our continued commitment to embedding sustainable manufacturing practices across the site. By looking at every aspect of our operation – both existing and new – we’ve been able to identify what needs to change and where to introduce effective initiatives to minimise our impact on the environment.

From using the latest production technologies and moving to renewable energy, to establishing a local supplier network, we have taken decisive steps to back up our principles with evidenced action:

  • Locally sourced: All our raw materials come from UK and EU suppliers, with the switch to UK sourced fava beans a particularly important achievement.
  • Installation of over 1,000 solar panels: this covers 2,000 square metres of roof space and generates up to 60% of our required energy.
  • Zero landfill: Green collection routes are in place for two key waste streams, while investment in new on-site machinery ensures the polypropylene plastic sacks used to deliver raw materials are compressed and sold on for recycling.
  • Water management: A new underground tank captures and holds up to 100k litres of rainwater from the roof, which is then recycled for production use and any excess released in a controlled manner into the river network.

Market ready and responsive

Taking 18 months to complete – and almost doubling the site footprint to 3,000m2 – this ambitious development project marks a major milestone for Deltagen UK, as David explains:

“We believe our new state-of-the-art facility puts us in a unique position in the marketplace – particularly with customers in UK and EU, where our powerful offer of locally produced plant-based ingredients, extensive product capabilities and specialist expertise is increasingly in demand.

“As such, Deltagen UK is paramount to the long-term strategic direction within the Marigot Group, as the innovative provider and developer of plant-based ingredients within our human nutrition pillar. These are exciting times for the company and we’re looking forward to what comes next.”

Can we help?

Get in touch with us if you would like to speak with a member of our team.